Tuesday 18 November 2014

Contractual Dispute Resolution Clauses

There are a number of good reasons to include a dispute resolution clause in a contract.  Conflict is often an unforeseen and messy business.  If and when it occurs, a clearly drafted dispute resolution clause will be a welcome point of reference to work through the dispute.  It will provide certainty at a time when the last thing the parties need is a sub-dispute about how to go about trying to resolve the dispute.

Cost minimisation is another benefit.  If there is an agreed process, the parties can focus their attention on working through that process as efficiently as possible.  Ideally the dispute resolution process produces an outcome and further cost savings by avoiding the more expensive path of litigation.

A dispute resolution clause can also assist preservation of the parties’ relationship.  Often the parties will want to have a positive ongoing commercial or working relationship.  Without a dispute resolution clause, the parties may not contemplate an alternative dispute resolution process.  Alternatively, they may not be inclined to suggest it at an early stage for fear it might be perceived as a sign of weakness.

Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses are becoming more common in commercial contracts.  They provide for dispute resolution by way of a series of steps.  The parties progress to the next step if the previous one has not achieved resolution.  For example, the first step might be for company representatives to meet, and if that does not produce an outcome, then they may proceed to mediation, followed by arbitration if necessary.

If drafted carefully a tiered dispute resolution clause can be a commercial and cost-effective dispute resolution mechanism.  If not, then it can provide for unnecessarily complex and expensive layers of dispute resolution requirements and / or a vehicle for a party to exercise tactical delays. 

It is important to ensure that a dispute resolution clause is tailored to suit the parties’ needs.  A broadly worded clause such as one which provides for alternative dispute resolution "if a dispute arises from or in connection with this contract" would mean many kinds of disputes would be referred.  The parties may not want such broad scope.  For example, they may prefer that the dispute resolution clause only apply to disputes arising from breach of contract.  Where there is a technical point of law which needs to be judicially determined, or a scenario where urgent interlocutory relief such as an injunction is envisaged, then the parties may not want a dispute resolution clause to apply. A common express contractual term is to the effect that “Nothing shall prejudice the right of a party to seek injunctive or urgent declaratory relief.”

Dispute Resolution clauses must not seek to oust the jurisdiction of the Courts.  However they can, and often do, effectively provide that the dispute resolution process is a condition precedent to litigation.

The judicial trend is to give effect to dispute resolution clauses provided they are drafted clearly, without ambiguity and with identification of process (WTE Co-Generation & Anor –v- RCR Energy P/L & Anor [2013] VSC 314).  Termination of a contract is not likely to negate the continued operation of a dispute resolution clause unless expressly agreed (Jamac Construction Group Pty Ltd v De Mol Investments Pty Ltd [2014] WASC 273;  Pipeline Services WA Pty Ltd v ATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd [2014] WASC 10 (S)).  Furthermore, failure to comply with a dispute resolution clause, or with reasonable offers to engage in alternative dispute resolution or enter into settlement negotiations, can ultimately result in adverse costs orders (Haniotis v The Owners Corporation Strata Plan 64915 (No. 2) [2014] NSWDC 39; John Richard Bryant v Hawkesbury Radio Communication Co-operative Society Limited [2014] NSWSC 848).

Movember - Changing the face of men's health

TA staff get involved with Movember

Peter Brown - QLD Manager

Technical Assessing’s Queensland Manager, Peter Brown, is taking part in Movember.  This involves growing a moustache for the 30 days of November to raise funds for men’s health, particularly the areas of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems. By encouraging men to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Speaking exclusively to Technically Speaking, Peter commented:

The Movember Foundation commenced operations in 2004. It is an excellent organisation helping to raise awareness and funds to assist in the often neglected area of men’s health.  Since inception the Movember Foundation has raised $580 million and funded over 800 programs in 21 countries.  This year, for the first time, I am hoping to do my little bit to make a small contribution towards this most important initiative.  My only difficulty is that I should have stopped shaving my upper lip in July!

Peter’s goal is to raise $1,000.00 for the Movember Foundation; at press time he was well on the way to achieving this goal. 

You can make a donation to this most worthwhile cause and follow Peter’s progress (with regular updated photographs), with the following link: http://mobro.co/peterbrown130

Rob Winter - Hobart Adjuster

As a man who resides with three women, I feel compelled to participate in fund raising processes directed at men’s health issues.
Consequently, I have again signed up to Movember.
I commence Tash cultivation from 1/11/14.  I’ll put up a photo to evidence progress every couple of days.
Please assist with this worthy cause, by going to the Movember page and dontating, anonymous if you wish - http://au.movember.com/mospace/1794792 Anything you donate will be greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to forward this on – the more raised the better!

The Movember Foundation is the leading global organisation committed to changing the face of men’s health.  Movember is about bringing back the moustache (Mo), having fun and doing good to change the face of men’s health, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems. Mo Bros take action by changing their appearance through the growth of a new moustache for the 30 days of Movember, and in doing so become walking, talking billboards for men’s health. Mo Sistas sign up and commit to supporting the men in their lives while helping to promote men’s health at home, in the workplace and within their community. Get involved! http://au.movember.com/

Tuesday 21 October 2014

WA Claims – The Realisation of Our Promise

Last night (October 21st 2014) Young Insurance Professionals (YIPs) held an educational event in Perth - WA Claims - The Realisation of Our Promise. 

Technical Assessing was one of the sponsors of the evening, where presenters (including our own David Outred and Mark Burke) shared their extensive experience in dealing with insurance claims and their roles in the claims process. The event was followed up by drinks and canapes at The Terrace Hotel in Perth.

Speakers Justine Siavelis from GC Legal, David Outred and Mark Burke from Technical Assessing and Ron Johnson from Allianz

Photos from the YIPS facebook page.

Women in Insurance Golf Day - Brisbane

The annual Queensland Women in Insurance Golf Day was held on Friday 12 September 2014 at the Bulimba Golf Club in Brisbane. Loss Adjuster Emma Doney together with Administration Manager Vicki De’Ath from the Brisbane office assisted in running the event which attracted an estimated 30 insurance professionals from all walks of the industry.

Finding typical Queensland sunshine and warmth, the participants enjoyed a relaxing and entertaining afternoon on the 9 hole layout and in the clubhouse afterwards. Vicki and Emma took out second place with their team mates from AON for the second year in a row, and the winners trophy landed in the hands of Zurich Insurance and their guests. Whilst commiserating over their ‘second second place’, the attention of the pair was quickly drawn to the arrival of Jon English to play a gig at the golf club that evening (Emma: “Who?”). Obviously the Bulimba Golf Club is at the forefront of modern entertainment, and the ‘place to be’.

The Queensland Women in Insurance Association is a not for profit organisation which provides a forum for insurance professionals to enhance the position of women in the insurance industry through professional and personal development. Membership is open to males and females, and a broad range of networking and educational events are held regularly throughout the year. For further information visit http://womenininsurance.com.au/.

Goods and Services Tax

By Andrew Buchanan

The treatment of GST on claims is often a source of confusion for Insureds and Claimants.  Whilst it is not the responsibility of claims practitioners to provide “tax advice”, it is often necessary to point out where GST has been incorrectly applied in claims presentation and to provide guidance on the approach to be adopted.  It is therefore important that any such instruction is in accordance with the GST rules in order to ensure not only that the Insured is property indemnified but also to potentially avoid exposing any parties to the future application of penalties and interest for incorrect treatment arising from misguidance.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is “Value Added Tax”, meaning that it the tax is collected on the value that is added by GST-registered entities at each stage of the production/supply chain.   By way of simplified example: if a wholesaler purchases a good from distributer for $30, then sells it to a retailer for $50, the “added value” is $20, and the business’s GST liability  (at 10% of this added value) is therefore $2.

The mechanism by which the tax is collected involves a two-stage process.   Firstly, GST-registered businesses must include 10% GST on all taxable supplies of good and/or services they provide.   Secondly, GST-registered businesses are entitled to claim Input Tax Credits (ITCs) on the GST component of all those goods/supplies it has purchased for use in the business.

To return to the earlier example, the business is required to charge $5 GST when selling their product (10% of $50) but entitled to claim a $3 ITC (corresponding to the GST paid on the $30 purchase price).   The net result is that the business (which, in this simplified example, has no other costs on which they can claim ITCs) would be required to pay $2 GST; which, of course, corresponds to the GST liability on the “added value”.

GST is levied on each separate (GST-registered) business entity at every stage in the production/supply chain until the good or service is obtained by the final consumer.  GST is therefore technically a tax on each of the businesses supplying the goods/services and not the entity purchasing them (though it may not seem that way to the paying consumer at the end of the chain!)

When determining the liability of an Insured or Claimant (or Third Party) to pay GST as part of a settlement it is necessary to determine whether a taxable supply has been provided.    Section 9-5 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) provides the requirements for a supply to be a taxable supply: a business makes a taxable supply if it makes a supply for consideration, the supply is made in the course or furtherance of the enterprise, the supply is connected with Australia, and the supplying business is (or is required to be) registered.

The Commissioner of Taxation has previously ruled that an award of damages by a court and its payment is not a taxable supply.  Goods and Services Tax Ruling GSTR 2001/4 (GSTR 2001/4) provides the Commissioner's view on GST consequences of court orders and out-of-court settlements. Significantly the Commissioner confirms that damage, loss, or injury, in itself does not constitute a supply under section 9-10 of the GST Act.
Accordingly, payment of damages does not represent a taxable supply. 

It is common for Claimants to present their claim by “invoicing” the Insured for the damages sought plus GST (or having their contractor address any repair invoices to the Insured; the thinking being that as the Insured is legally liable for the damage the repair service is provided to the Insured.  This approach is flawed: the Insured (as tortfeasor) is only liable to pay compensatory (financial) damages, not to repair the physical damage caused.   The Claimant is the recipient/beneficiary of any repair service provided and the party to whom any invoices should be addressed.

In such instances, the Insured’s liability to pay GST should generally be contested.   Exceptions include where the Insured does benefit and has actually contracted with the Claimant for provision of the supply (see example below), or where the Claimant is statutorily entitled to undertake repairs and charge the responsible party.

In a recent claim the Insured caused damage to a hired-in forklift.  Often in such cases the hire agreement will require the Insured to indemnify the hirer for the cost of repairs, the hire company then undertakes the repairs to their own equipment (no external taxable supply, so nil GST) and the Insured compensates them for the cost of doing so.  However, in this particular case the hire agreement instead made the Insured responsible for repairing damage to the hired forklift.  The Insured chose to contract the Claimant (the hire company) to undertake the necessary repairs on the Insured’s behalf; this repair service was a taxable supply to the Insured: the Claimant was therefore required to add 10% GST to their invoice and the Insured needed to pay such.

Of course, on the occasions where the Insured is liable for GST (on repair costs etc) they are normally able to claim an Input Tax Credit (ITC) on this cost and therefore suffer no loss in this regard.  Accordingly, even though the Insured will have to pay the GST element on the Claimant’s invoice, Insurer’s indemnity to the Insured will still be net of GST (it is, however, necessary for the full amount, inclusive of GST, to be recorded in any Deed of Release and for the Insured to pay the GST component to the Claimant).
Complications arise with the following situation: the Insured (a builder) causes damage to the property of a non-GST registered Claimant, the Insured then agrees to undertake the required repairs to the Claimant’s property in full satisfaction of the claim.  The Insured does not invoice the Claimant but seeks an indemnity for the repair cost under his Public Liability Insurance.

Whilst no money was exchanged between the Insured and Claimant, the Insured’s repair service was provided for a “consideration”: that being the extinguishment of the Claimant’s right to seek compensatory damages from the Insured.   The Insured’s repair works therefore meet all the requirements to be a taxable supply to the Claimant and the Insured must therefore charge 10%  GST.  Insurer’s settlement should therefore indemnify the Insured for the cost of undertaking the repairs, inclusive of GST.

As an aside, it is worth remarking that the above scenario also has implications for activation of the Operative Clause of typical Public Liability policy wordings.  It is not unknown for Insurers to seek to argue that, due to the Insured having undertaken works to avoid legal liability attaching, the Operative Clause (which requires legal liability on the part of the Insured) has not triggered.  In practice, however, the Insured has generally not “avoided” legal liability but, instead, settled the claim through provision of service.

Where the goods or services are provided by the Insured purely on a gratuitous basis (for example a business giving an injured customer flowers or vouchers in the hope that they will not pursue a claim) then there is no “consideration” provided by the Claimant (who has agreed to nothing!) and the supply does not attract GST.

In addition, replacement goods or repair services will not attract GST where they are provided by under a warranty or guarantee.   This is because the consideration was paid by the Claimant/customer at the time of purchasing the original goods/service (inclusive of guarantee/warranty service).   This, however, only applies to the element of the service(s) which are within the scope of the guarantee/warranty: if the Insured’s provided services post-incident go beyond this (to include, most obviously, repair of resultant damage) then such additional services will incur GST.

The earlier example of an Insured causing damage to the property of a (non-GST registered) Claimant is further complicated where the Insured (rather than undertaking repairs themselves) instead arranges for a third-party contractor to undertake repairs to the Claimant’s property; with the contractor then direct-billing the Insured.

The above situation gives rise to two possible scenarios: either a “payment arrangement” or a “tripartite transaction” exists.  This depends on whether the Third Party contractor’s contract is deemed to be with the Insured or with the Claimant.

Where the contract is deemed to exist between the contractor and the Claimant, then this is a “payment arrangement”.   All the Insured is doing is short-cutting the funding chain by paying the contractor directly on the Claimant’s behalf (rather than the Claimant paying the contractor, then the Insured reimbursing the Claimant).  The taxable supply is provided by the contractor to the Claimant (as sole recipient) and the Claimant (if not-GST registered) cannot claim an ITC on the transaction, nor can the Insured.

Conversely, where the Insured directly contracts directly with the contractor, for the contractor to provide a supply to the Claimant, then this is a “tripartite transaction”.  In this instance the contractual supply is made by the contractor to the Insured, but the actual/physical supply is provided to the Claimant. 

In genuine tripartite transactions, the (GST-registered) Insured will be entitled to claim an ITC on the supply received.   The rules surrounding tripartite arrangements are complex but may, for example, include the situation where the Insured engages a third party to provide a warranty repair service to a customer on the Insured’s behalf.

However, if the Insured’s entering into the arrangement with the contractor was done on the basis of receiving “consideration” from the Claimant (i.e. the Claimant’s agreement to extinguish/reduce their claim in exchange for the Insured arranging repairs) then this is not a genuine tripartite agreement and the Insured will not be entitled to claim an ITC.

Whilst all the forgoing may seem overly complicated, this reflects the nature of the GST rules (and the rulings determining the correct interpretation thereof).  Unfortunately there is no one simple “rule of thumb” that covers all possible situations and it is important that the fundamental nature of any supplies between an Insured and Claimant are investigated and understood in order that GST is correctly addressed in any agreed settlement.

Monday 25 August 2014

Real or Not? - You Be the Judge

We were recently appointed by a national insurer to check on a premises in the western suburbs of Sydney, where the Claimant alleged that the activities of New Years Eve, in particular fire works, caused irreparable damage to the building air conditioning system located on their roof. A total new air conditioning system was being claimed at a total cost, labour and materials of around $50K plus GST.

By way of background we were provided with various photographs showing extensive used fireworks on the roof, however no photographs were provided showing any damages to the air conditioning equipment. The Insured and broker were very forceful in their allegations and required immediate settlement of the claim.

The allegation by the Insured was that the perpetrators placed fireworks on top of air conditioning units located on the roof with the result that the heat and smoke from the fireworks, after they had been let off caused extensive damage to the air conditioning equipment.

When we arrived on site on our first visit we were not able to gain access to the air conditioning equipment located on the roof. We were advised that no access was possible and no ladders on site were available, this being contrary to advices initially provided to us when the matter was discussed with the Insured.

We were required to re-attend the site, this time bringing a ladder to gain access to the roof, which is located around four metres above ground. We also brought on site a specialist air conditioning technician, who proceeded to check the air conditioning equipment for electrical integrity. When on the roof we could not see any damage whatsoever to the air conditioning equipment that is consistent with fire, heat, burning, flames or smoke.

The air conditioning technician on site conducted various checks of the air conditioning equipment and determined that only one out of the four air conditioning units was working correctly and that the other three had various breakdowns in place including fusion of sealed compressor motors, fusion of condenser fan  motors, problems with control systems and the like.

In summary the damages in place to the air conditioning equipment were due to general breakdowns and wear and tear and had nothing to do with the activities of New Years Eve.

The moral to the story is when a claim is received it is always important to conduct a site inspection and also view the equipment that is being claimed. When any doubt exists as to the cause of damages it is always advisable to have a specialist attend the site to do various checks of the equipment.

By the way, the Insured always maintained that the air conditioning was working fine prior to New Years Eve and that after New Years Eve the air conditioning equipment was not working. What do you think?

I hasten to add that this was an unusual circumstance as the writer’s experience is that information provided with the majority of claims is quite legitimate, though often knowledgeable interpretation is required.

PS: This claim was denied by the Insurer and no further representations were received from the Insured!