Tuesday 21 October 2014

Women in Insurance Golf Day - Brisbane

The annual Queensland Women in Insurance Golf Day was held on Friday 12 September 2014 at the Bulimba Golf Club in Brisbane. Loss Adjuster Emma Doney together with Administration Manager Vicki De’Ath from the Brisbane office assisted in running the event which attracted an estimated 30 insurance professionals from all walks of the industry.

Finding typical Queensland sunshine and warmth, the participants enjoyed a relaxing and entertaining afternoon on the 9 hole layout and in the clubhouse afterwards. Vicki and Emma took out second place with their team mates from AON for the second year in a row, and the winners trophy landed in the hands of Zurich Insurance and their guests. Whilst commiserating over their ‘second second place’, the attention of the pair was quickly drawn to the arrival of Jon English to play a gig at the golf club that evening (Emma: “Who?”). Obviously the Bulimba Golf Club is at the forefront of modern entertainment, and the ‘place to be’.

The Queensland Women in Insurance Association is a not for profit organisation which provides a forum for insurance professionals to enhance the position of women in the insurance industry through professional and personal development. Membership is open to males and females, and a broad range of networking and educational events are held regularly throughout the year. For further information visit http://womenininsurance.com.au/.

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